A computer screen with the word cloud next to it.

Featured Technology Stack

  • Languages: C# | Python | Java | JavaScript | Typescript | SQL | XPath | XSL(T) | Regular Expressions
  • Frameworks: .Net Core | RESTful Web APIs | SOAP | .NET Framework | Entity Framework | Django | React | Angular | NUnit/XUnit | SpecFlow/Behave (Cucumber) | JQuery | Bootstrap | Jasmine | Node.js | NPM | Spring Boot | OpenAPI | Swagger
  • Databases: SQL Server | Azure SQL | AWS RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) | MongoDB | Redis | Oracle
  • Tools: Visual Studio | VS Code | Eclipse | PyCharm | IntelliJ IDEA | Git (GitHub and BitBucket) | SVN | Jira | Confluence | Align | MS Office (Excel, VBA, Access, Word, PowerPoint) | Draw.io | MS Teams | PowerShell |
  • DevSecOps: GitHub Actions | Docker | ArgoCD | Kubernetes| Terraform | Artifactory | Jenkins | Ansible | Checkmarx | SonarQube | IAM